Famu Campus (USA)
The linear Take, Make, Dispose lifestyle of our cities increasingly depletes finite resources. Closing the Water, the Energy, the Waste and the Food loops allows greater utilization of resources.
Florida A&M University (FAMU) is located in Florida’s State capital, Tallahassee. Biopolus is working together with FAMU to begin laying the foundations for a campus integrated metabolic Hub. As the first phase, Biopolus was contracted by FAMU to create the concept design for the Hub, whose purpose is to provide a space for new sustainable infrastructure, research and development, and community and demonstration. A university campus perfectly fits into the “urban cellular” single unit, making it the ideal size for new sustainable infrastructure. In addition to establishing efficient and innovative campus operations, the Hub will create an open innovation platform- a living, learning, laboratory. Equally as important, the Hub will introduce students from all disciplines to the circular economy and the new systems thinking needed to address the problems of future cities.

Victor Ibeanusi
FAMU’s Dean, School of the Environment
“The Energy Water Food Nexus is essential to resolving the world’s water problems, making Biopolus a perfect research collaborator.”